In this tutorial, created by Mary-Joy van der Deure and Jasmijn van Gorp (Utrecht University), students learn how to identify ‘flow’ in archived, linear television recordings. The tutorial provides a theoretical introduction to Raymond Williams’ conceptualisation of flow, as well as the Dutch historic broadcasting landscape. This theory is thereafter applied in an assignment where students compare a historic Dutch television schedule with an archived recording in the CLARIAH Media Suite.

Here, you can find the tutorial itself, as well as the lecturer’s manual that includes points for in-class discussions and reflection:

This tutorial was made as part of the AI-Tada project on Automated indexing of historical television data, the Click-NL RE-FRAME project and CLARIAH WP5 : Media Studies (NWO). It is also part of a full-length journal article we are currently working on (once published, you will find this article here ).