Tutorial: Logging in, Workspace and Creating a User Project


Tutorial for CLARIAH Media Suite V 5.3 Tutorial made by Christian Olesen, November 2020

Tutorial Description, Case and Objectives

This tutorial introduces you to the use of the CLARIAH Media Suite’s work space and guides you through creating a user project. Before using the Media Suite at any level in course work or in research it is essential for you to familiarize yourself with these functionalities of the Media Suite environment. Upon completing this tutorial, you will…:

  • …know how to log in to the Media Suite

  • …be familiar with the Media Suite Workspace and its features

  • …know how to create a User Project in the Media Suite

Types of Teaching and Research

The functionalities described in this tutorial are essential for using the Media Suite in any type of course work or research on all levels.


1. Accessing the Media Suite


  • Use a Chrome or Firefox browser (the Media Suite has been tested primarily in Chrome so this is the browser that works best) Go to mediasuite.clariah.nl

  • Click on the “Log in” button at the top right of the page

  • In the SURFConext interface, search for the name of your institution, or scroll through the list

  • Select your institution

  • Use your institutional credentials - either student or employee login - to log in. Wait until the service connects (NB when logging in the first time, you will have to accept Terms of Use and Privacy)

  • You will now enter the Media Suite

2. Entering The Media Suite Workspace


  • To enter the Media Suite Workspace hover over and click on the tab “Workspace” You will now enter the Media Suite’s Workspace

3. The Media Suite Workspace


  • In the Media Suite’s Workspace you can manage and search your user projects and the bookmarks and annotations they contain

  • To create a user project, click on the blue button “Create User Project” in the upper right part of the Workspace (see screen grab above) You may also create a new user project without entering the actual Workspace by hovering over the “Workspace” tab and choosing from the drop-down menu “Create User Project”

4. Create a User Project


  • After clicking on “Create User Project” a box will appear in which you can give your project a title and a description of the project’s research

  • Name your project and add a project description

  • Click the “Create” button

  • You have now created a user project

5. User Project Overview


  • Once you have added a name and a description to your project and clicked the “Create” button, the project will appear in your workspace’s overview (see screen grab for an example)

  • You can now begin adding items available in the Media Suite to your user project by bookmarking them as well as annotating items. For detailed explanations of these steps please consult the relevant tutorials.