
The Media Suite offers a manual annotation tool where it is possible to annotate on item level and on segment level. When annotating on item level, you add an annotation relating to the whole item. When annotating on segment level you add an annotation to a specific selection within that item.

Annotation on item level
To annotate on item level, first select the item you wish to annotate, which will open in the resource viewer. Go to ‘My Annotations’ on the right-hand side of the screen, and click on ‘Resource’. This will open a drop-down menu with four options:

  • “Code” allows you to label the media item using terms from existing thesauri (such as GTAA and UNESCO) or using your own custom-made taxonomy.

  • “Comment” gives you the possibility to enter your own comments about the item without a set word limit.

  • “Link” allows you to include links to items in the Media Suite or outside of it.

  • “Metadata” allows you to devise your own metadata scheme for the item.

Once you have added your annotations, they will appear in the project overview in your workspace, just as your saved queries.

Annotation on segment level
To annotate on segment level, you first need to create a segmentation layer. In a segmentation layer, you group together manually created segments according to, for example, a motif or a theme.

  • You create a segmentation layer by clicking on “ADD LAYER” on the left hand side below the video player. You can give the layer a name by double-clicking on the layer’s text box.

  • To subsequently create a segment, first pause the video or audio where you want to begin the segment. After having chosen a beginning point press “i” (“i” stands for “in”). A red line/time marker will appear at the point chosen.

  • Subsequently, you need to choose an endpoint for your segment. Use the cursor to choose an endpoint and press “o” (“o” stands for out) to confirm the end point. Alternately, you may simply drag the end point of the segment using your mouse (the same goes for the beginning of the segment). You have now created a segment.

  • In order to make a new segment, you need to press the “+”-symbol in the layer you just made, or create a new layer consisting of new segments. This is important, because it makes sure that your segment is saved. If you proceed to setting new in and out points using the “i” and “o” keys without first pressing “+” you will end up modifying the segment you just made instead of creating a new one.

Now you have created a segment in your video item and are ready to annotate it. In order to do so, you first need to find and select the segment in the “Segments” overview in the “My Annotations” column on your right hand side.

  • Click on the segment from the “Segments” overview that you wish to annotate. Upon clicking, a drop-down menu will appear with the same four options that was offered for annotating on item level (“Code”, “Comment”, “Link” and “Metadata”)

  • Using these four options, you may annotate the segment in a similar fashion as when you annotated the item.

  • Saved annotations will appear in the project overview in the workspace.

For more information on the annotation tool, please see the following pages: