Version 4


Bug fixing

  • Fixes to the Compare tool (no more bug after selecting too many queries; no more weird behavior if queries have the same ID because of corrupt old data).
  • Restyling of the query blocks in the Compare tool.
  • Bugs in the Inspector tool have been fixed.

Data enhancements

  • The collection pages have been enriched with visualizations, and the collection descriptions have been updated.
  • It is possible to access the collection pages from the Collection selector, Search, and Inspect tools.
  • User-friendly labels have been added to The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (users can now use the user-friendly labels, but also are able to see the original name of the field when hovering the mouse over the labels).
  • In the resource viewer, it is possible to see and navigate through the curated segments from The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision collection (curated segments are parts of a program which have been selected and annotated more in detail by the archivists).
  • New functions have been added to the Jupyter notebooks.


  • New section: HowTos.
  • New structure for easier navigation.
  • A new consent form (privacy terms) has been added.


  • Major improvements in the styling of the Tools page and Search tool.
  • Enhanced pointers to the help menu from the tools.